Dixfield SDA Church — Adventist Community Services Soup Kitchen / Community Services Building

Meals: Dinner (Cold)

Address: 58 Pine Street, Dixfield

Schedule: Monday, April 27, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Eligibility: Anyone in need

Contact: Cindy at (207) 585-2389 with any questions.



  • To-go meal service - vegetarian, vegan and perhaps a gluten-free option.

  • First come, first served.

  • Last Monday of the month, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM. In the event of an end of month holiday, meals are distributed on the prior Monday.

  • Any grocery items remaining after preparation of the meal is included in the distributions.


  • Park in the back parking lot and call (207) 562-9997 to announce your arrival.

  • Wait in your car until called.

  • When called, drive to the footbridge distribution table (On Lion Street) to pick up your meal.

  • Please do not leave or return anything, including boxes or packages.