Dixfield SDA Church — Adventist Community Services Soup Kitchen / Community Services Building
Meals: Dinner (Cold)
Address: 58 Pine Street, Dixfield
Schedule: Monday, April 27, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Eligibility: Anyone in need
Contact: Cindy at (207) 585-2389 with any questions.
To-go meal service - vegetarian, vegan and perhaps a gluten-free option.
First come, first served.
Last Monday of the month, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM. In the event of an end of month holiday, meals are distributed on the prior Monday.
Any grocery items remaining after preparation of the meal is included in the distributions.
Park in the back parking lot and call (207) 562-9997 to announce your arrival.
Wait in your car until called.
When called, drive to the footbridge distribution table (On Lion Street) to pick up your meal.
Please do not leave or return anything, including boxes or packages.